Diary: To strong women

Photo by Carmen Salazar Photography

Tonight I honor women, but especially strong, independent women.

The kind who get dealt the hard shit, the kind who get knocked down in life, and yet...who find the strength within to get back up and keep fighting. To keep showing up every single damn day.

This post is for the strong, resilient woman I find looking back at me today. I am so damn proud of the woman I am today. It has been such a long, hard road, but I suppose it makes me appreciate what I have and where I am today that much more.

This post is a reminder for myself: to acknowledge the beautiful, strong and fearsome woman I know myself to be. But it’s also a reminder to every young woman I know: be fierce, be strong, and never, ever apologize for being the beautiful, strong woman that you are. You have a voice, and it deserves to be heard. Don’t ever let anyone silence it, especially yourself.

Here’s to celebrating women, not just today, but every day. And here’s to empowering each other, every single damn day.


My Brain Hates Me


Ready to try again