Diary: In the midst of COVID, there is still this
Diary Sabrina Michele Tilley Diary Sabrina Michele Tilley

Diary: In the midst of COVID, there is still this

"It’s been five years. Five years since my ex-husband told me it was over and that he was leaving (for someone else).

I sometimes forget this story is new to some; I am personally so tired of this story that I forget that many don’t know it. I find this weekend is always a painful reminder of that story, but it’s also been a painful reminder of so many other endings since."

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A is for Acceptance
Writing, Love, Life Sabrina Michele Tilley Writing, Love, Life Sabrina Michele Tilley

A is for Acceptance

"Acceptance. It is the only answer I have found that gives me any comfort whatsoever—in life, in relationships—acceptance of what has happened, and that there is nothing we can do to change it. The promotion or raise we didn’t get; the invitation we were expecting which never comes; the call or text you were hoping he would make, but you never receive; the man you fall in love with, who will never love you back. Acceptance. Even when it breaks your heart, accepting that this is the hand life has dealt you in this moment."

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G is for Great Expectations
Writing, Love, Life Sabrina Michele Tilley Writing, Love, Life Sabrina Michele Tilley

G is for Great Expectations

"Up until now, all of these expectations I have been describing are completely normal and a part of everyday life. What I have been struggling with lately is when does having expectations become a bad thing? When does having expectations ultimately hurt you?"

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Owning Our Stories
Writing, Life Sabrina Michele Tilley Writing, Life Sabrina Michele Tilley

Owning Our Stories

"When I read that yesterday, I knew...I knew that I had to live with the words I had written. I wrote them, I meant them, and I published them to tell my story; even as painful as that was, I needed to do just that. …I am here, and I am ready to own this story. And not just the good parts, but the whole thing.”

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