Diary: A new path

When I think about this new season of life, I can’t imagine a photo to sum it up better than this one. I can see clearly all the days that have led me here, to the place I’m at now. It does feel like I find myself at a turning point, just like this bend in the trail—ready to leave this particular trail behind me. I’m ready to step forward, towards the things I am ready to have in my life. And while this path has felt especially lonely in this season, I take each day to express my gratitude, for every single thing I know I am blessed to have in my life. For security, for health, for the love and support of the friends who continue to show up for me, even if it’s just to make sure I’m okay that day, that moment.

I’m not going to lie and say it’s easy—stepping out, away from what is comfortable, what is known. But I know I am ready. I’m so incredibly tired. Of people who use me, who take me for granted, who think it’s okay to treat me with disrespect. But more than anything, I’m tired of letting them.

So, with that said, here’s to stepping away...to cutting a new path...to getting uncomfortable, because it means you’re growing, and willing to risk all that you know, for something better. For a life that’s not one of settling...but of living with BIG hopes, dreams, and goals.
I’m showing up now, for that. For me.


Diary: Being sick and Paris


Diary: My Christmas Card