Diary: Finding the words

I know it’s been a long time. The words have been there, all along, and yet…either I haven’t known the strength, or had the right space to really share them here. And then I thought I was almost ready, and then COVID, and then BLM, and then, and then, and then...there will always be excuses to not write, to not share, but the words were still there, wanting and waiting to be shared. There are so many unknowns in my life right now, but one of the things I have never had to doubt is if I am a writer. It’s always been there, even when I was afraid, even when I didn’t know what people would think of my words, they were there, patiently waiting for me. I’m sorry it’s taken me this long to share them again. I know this has been an incredibly hard year, for every single one of us. I know, for me, these past 6 months, hell, these past two years, have really tested me. They have been hard, and they have been shitty. But they’ve also shown me, even here, you will be okay.

There are so many unknowns in my life right now, but one of the things I have never had to doubt is if I am a writer. It’s always been there, even when I was afraid, even when I didn’t know what people would think of my words, they were there, patiently waiting for me.

I’m going to start sharing more because I think it matters. Maybe even more so here. In this space where we can all feel alone at times. When we want to connect, and life, a pandemic, and a whole bunch of other shit can often get in the way of that. I want to be vulnerable about that. About the heartache and the hell that is dating (especially now). But also, maybe more than just that...

Yes, I can (and want to) write about more than just about dating. So, here’s to dusting off the pages and getting vulnerable again...

I’m excited to share more soon...


Diary: Paris


Diary: Try, try, and fail again