F is for Falling

The guy is supposed to get the girl. There may or not be a chase, but both of you know when you’re ready to stop running. There’s a first story, one you will never forget, because it was that memorable. There’s a moment, and another, and another, ‘til you can’t wait to see them to make another memory with him or her. Your heart catches in your throat, and you stop seeing anyone else...because you only have eyes for them. You allow yourself to fall, because you feel absolutely sure in your heart...sure that you’ve found that person. The one that makes you feel safe, makes your heart skip a beat, who you can be completely, and ridiculously yourself with; talk to about everything or nothing, who makes you laugh, lets you cry, and you know you could see waking up to every single day because when you’re with them...it feels like home.

That’s the way it’s supposed to feel, right?

One day, I hope, to know what that feels like...reciprocated. To feel the fall...without the heartbreak. To know...it’s finally real.

One day I hope to fall in love...and to be caught.


E is for Erasers


B is for the Broken Ones